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Dominic Molinar

Dominic Molinar

Dominic Molinar

Dominic Molinar

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About Me

As a tutor I strive to ensure that my students get the best possible education possible. Anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.


I have achieved two degrees one from LSU and the other from Keiser University. My undergraduate degree from LSU is in chemistry, and my undergraduate degree from Keiser is in Finance.

Teaching Experience

I have 5 years of teacher experience. 2 years being a undergraduate TA for LSU.


I love to read.

I love teaching and explaining science at every level!



Accounting, Economics, Finance, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business


Algebra, Algebra II, Calculus, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Geometry, Prealgebra, Precalculus, Trigonometry


Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics

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